First of all, I know for a fact Stina and Grandma Pat, if nobody else, have been dying to see this post. So, I tried to talk about this on Facebook, but it was being dumb, so I'm doing this instead and have been working on this all day - in between classes. Valentine's Day was amazing. I knew that we wouldn't be able to do much since I had work/school from 9-5 and Andrew had work from 5-9. So I was trying not to think about it and we rescheduled Valentine's Day for Monday and called it Paris night. Andrew had in his own cute little way tried to hide his plans to make me a breakfast. He had asked me how one would hypothetically find out if we had all the ingredients for french toast, and I found some bacon hidden in the back of the fridge. So Andrew's brilliant romantic plan was to make me breakfast. Which was a good idea, I was just a little disappointed I found out about it all before that morning. You know how I love to be surprised. The night before Valentine's as we were going to bed, Andrew noticed I was a little down and horrified I tried to brush it off. I wasn't really upset about our postponed Valentine's right? I mean, I have a special someone to have it with - I must be super ungrateful. So Andrew picked up on that disappointment even while I was denying it.
The next morning, I trudged out of bed at 4 am, eyelids still heavy and vision foggy, and opened the door to start my load of homework. Only to be startled by the following decorations:
Startled and very very excited, I ran out to our spacious living room, grabbed my laptop, and finished my three hours of studying in bed. That way I could wait to look at the rest of the house when Andrew got up. I wanted him to see how excited I was. 'Cause I was very very very excited. I mean. I don't think I've ever been that surprised.
Once Andrew got up, I followed a treasure hunt and discovered all of the following hidden around the house.
I know it's upside down, but there was a toast imprinter that says I Love You. |
Oh. And I painted my nails for Valentines! Hehe. |
Now, to continue with Paris Day (as it turned into 'cause we ended up taking a whole romantic day just to ourselves). We had french toast with bacon and fresh raspberries for breakfast and a romantic dinner with Angel Hair Pasta, Pesto, Rosemary Sourdough bread, fancy cheese, bubbly, and creme brule.
Oh, yes. Did I mention that Andrew cut and scattered rose petals in a trail to the kitchen and all over the table? |
So a wonderful Valentine's and I'm thoroughly impressed with Andrew's apparently hidden talent for surprising me. He has perfected the ability of creating a separate "secret" to set me on the wrong trail. Giving me just enough information and hiding things well enough that I really think I've found out about the big secret. While I thought I'd figured out his whole plot, there were flowers hidden in the bathtub, and candles, chocolates, a balloon (how he hid that in our apartment I have no idea!) and all the other treats hidden places I still haven't been able to figure out. So hurrah to Andrew. He topped my surprises for his birthday.
Oh. And as a side note. I now have fish. And they're living in floral vases. For now.
P.S. Happy early Birthday to Stina! I haven't forgotten no matter what you think tomorrow. Also, tomorrow marks the anniversary of when Andrew proposed. We will have been "engaged" for a full year tomorrow. On our way to an anniversary! (Another excellent surprise from Andrew there, since he drove me around and let me plan for Stina's birthday all while he had plans to surprise me with a proposal. He sure knows how to plan things!)