1) Snow Goose Chen caerulescens (Anseriformes Anatidae)
As far as I can tell, I should look for the white body, orange beak with the black "tooth" line, the black wing tips, and the bigger body.
I need to identify the call of this one too. If anyone has tips on that . . well let me know.
2) Ross's Goose Chen rossii (Anseriformes Anatidae)
This one looks a lot like a snow goose - white with black wing tips, orange legs and bill - but it's smaller and has a shortened beak and more of a squashed head. It's easier to identify when they're side-by-side.

3) Canada Goose Branta canadensis (Anseriformes Anatidae)
Everyone seems to know this bird but me. I know I've seen it, but I'd never be able to tell you that's what it is. It has a black head and bill and a brown body and has the white "stripe" under the eye and head.
I have to know this bird by call too.

Ok. A small picture, I know. This goose has an orange bill with white right above it. It also has something called mottling - which I honestly don't . . . . know about yet.
5) Brant Branta bernicla (Anseriformes Anatidae)
A brant has a brown head and top of body with a white neck ring. The bottom of the body is white.
6) Tundra Swan Cygnus colombianus (Anseriformes Anatidae)
So a Tundra Swan is a large bird that I can only describe as "graceful" looking. It has a long black beak with a yellow patch (hard to see in this picture) under the eye.
7) Wood Duck Aix sponsa (Anseriformes Anatidae)
I honestly think this bird is pretty. It has a brown chest with white spots. The male has a green head and a bright red eye. I think the male has some blue on the wing too but I'm not really sure. There's some pretty white stripes dividing clear areas of color.