Friday, May 25, 2012

Doing the Impossible

So I meant to post this yesterday, but due to working so hard (as will be explained in this post) I had no time to put it up. Yesterday, I did 48 tubes of MONTTIA. So what, you say? Let me explain that normally 24 takes a full day to do. And even that's considered good for a lab assistant. I didn't realize how good till a different professor started training their lab assistant and they're only doing 8 a day. Now, I restate: yesterday I did 48 tubes.

Why, you ask, would someone seek to do so much? Normally I wouldn't. However, yesterday my coworker informed me that he had already maxed out his hours for the week and would need to go home early thus leaving his tubes undone. Well, I couldn't have that. That would set us behind a day, and I may or may not *shifty eyes* be looking forward to being done with the MONTTIA. Thus I turned on the Hooked on Classics (listen to it and you'll see why I picked it) and taught myself to be ambidextrous.

Thus I accomplished the impossible by pipetting with both hands at once. *bows* I know, I know my ingenuity (and humility) are endless. Need to do twice the work in the same amount of time? The answer is obvious: give yourself twice the hands. My left hand is just as steady as my right hand now with a pipette, but it wears out a lot faster. Anyway, I needed to share my accomplishment. And as an after note, I should add that I did not compromise our data at all with my speedy work. I only worked as fast as I knew I could do safely. Boom baby. Kenzie wins.

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