Tuesday, May 22, 2012

He Truly Loves Us

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Quote 1: "their missionary experience could be applied as a template for nurturing others throughout the rest of their lives. As this army of righteous disciples return from their missions to the many countries across the earth, they are becoming key contributors in the work of establishing the Church."

Thought: Andrew can be a powerful force if he applies everything he learned on his mission. He's a great example of this. For instance, he has a super strong habit of prayer that he picked up from his mission. I'm not nearly as good at it as he is and hope to pick it up from him. I know that I have to be open to changing for that to happen.

Quote 2: "Awakening the desire to know enables our spiritual capacities to hear the voice of heaven."

Thought: The first step in receiving revelation is to want it.

Quote 3: "To love the Lord is not just counsel; it is not just well-wishing. It is a commandment. … Love of God is the root of all virtue, of all goodness, of all strength of character, of all fidelity to do right"

Thought: How can I develop a strong love for God? Gratitude is one step I know. I think obedience is another way to develop it. I think familiarity - developed through prayer and scriptures - is important.

Quote 4: "How much I thought I loved her on that day, but I had only begun to see the vision of love."

Thought: If Andrew and I nurture our love and live a righteous marriage our love can only grow.

Quote 5: "The feeling of love from our Heavenly Father is like a gravitational pull from heaven. As we remove the distractions that pull us toward the world and exercise our agency to seek Him, we open our hearts to a celestial force which draws us toward Him. "

Thought: Do I feel that gravitational pull toward Heaven? How strong is it?

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