Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Failure of the Easy Meal

So, in an earlier post I offhandedly mentioned that although heating up frozen dinners was easy, I wanted to do so much more. Turns out heating up frozen dinners can be surprisingly difficult. Drum roll . . . Yes I (we) managed to burn the frozen pizza tonight. It turns out that our tiny oven heats stuff up a lot faster than the writers of box instructions anticipated. Six minutes still to go on the timer, we pulled out some charcole with spaghetti sauce.

Ok it wasn't quite that bad, but the bottom definitely had some deep black bits. We ate it anyway. I mean seriously - engaged and college students? No way we're throwing out food. We just washed it all down with some good lemon aid from Costco and all was well. Perhaps I should learn how to do frozen dinners before I progress to actually cooking. I'm sure my kitchen-talented sister will get quite a laugh out of this.

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